
Zuchtbuch-Nr.: VDH/DCNH SH 16486/18
Geboren: 09.06.2018
Fell: dunkelgrau- beige- weiss 
Augen: braun
HD-Wert: A1
AU: o.B.



Yocker stammt aus unserem Y-Wurf (Nelson x Quendoline)



Sky Runner Nelson VDH/SHC 2013 4495 Sky Runner Eagle VDH/SHC 2004 2645 Polar Speed Uula VDH/SHC 2003 2415 FIN 33033/96 Polar Speed Pekko SF 34441/93
Polar Speed Naava SF 25842/90Polar Speed
Polar Speed Tosca VDH/SHC 2003 2528 SF 14230/97 Polar Speed Luppo SF 51143/94
Polar Speed Rivella SF 25509/89
Icebell´s Delta VDH/SHC 2007 3286 Attila of Amnesia VDH/SHC 2002 2137 Trinity Kennel´s O- Boomer VDH/SHC 96 0806
Snöexpressens Nala VDH/SHC 2000 1742 S 25188/98
Icebell´s X- Jarvi VDH/SHC 2004 2679 Snöexpressens Timon VHD/SHC 99 1423 S 25183/96
Shaktoolik´s H´Scout VDH/SHC 2001 1949
Quendoliene from the fiery crusader´s VDH/DCNH SH 15366/12  Finn from the fiery crusader´s VDH/DCNH SH 14197/04 Polar Speed Uula VDH/SHC 2003 2415 FIN 33033/96 Polar Speed Pekko SF 34441/93
Polar Speed Naava SF 25842/90
Icebell´s Opal VDH/SHC 2000 1699 Icebell´s Garreth VDH/SHC 98 1162
Ruby N11778/96
Lola from the fiery crusader´s VDH/DCNH SH 14873/09 Icebell´s Carlos VDH/SHC 2007 3272 Icebell´s Shadow VDH/SHC 2002 2232
Icebell´s X-Nellie VDH/SHC 2004 2680
Helen from the fiery crusader´s VDH/DCNH SH 14375/06 Sky Runner Drago VDH/SHC 2002 2273
Icebell´s Opal VDH/SHC 2000 1699